Service Department

Darren Willey, Service Director

Mike Lowther, Service Superintendent

1552 Columbus Rd., Granville, OH 43023
Phone: 740-587-1880

Residential Services

Road Maintenance

The Granville Service Department is responsible for maintaining approximately 26 miles of roadways within the Village's corporate limits. Normal maintenance includes repair, patching, sealing, berm work, and drainage. The life span of a new asphalt surface is approximately 10 years, but that average will be impacted by the amount and type of traffic, the location of the road, the adequacy of the drainage, and weather conditions.
The Service Department strives to keep all Village roads at above average conditions and has made significant progress in the number of roadway miles that are maintained and improved each year. Most of that progress has come as a result of new and improved equipment that has allowed the maintenance crews to approximately double its maintenance and improvement work.

Snow Removal

The Service Department is also responsible for salting and plowing the roadways during the winter months. The winter weather is unpredictable and, therefore, Service Department employees remain on call throughout the winter season take care of icy and snowy roads. The Service Department has three trucks that are used for plowing and salting the roads. For additional information on the winter services provided by the Service Department, please click here.


Village staff no longer picks up items left curbside.  Those items are picked up by the Village refuse hauler WIN Waste Innovations will pick-up most properly discarded items left at the curb throughout the year, each and every week. Specific guidelines regarding how items such as carpet need to be prepared for pick-up are available on our website HERE or WIN Waste Innovations website Especially large items will be more efficiently handled if residents call Waste Away at 740-349-2783 two days before the desired pick-up day.

Monthly Brush Pick-up

The Granville Village Service Department offers monthly brush pick-up for Granville Village residents. In order to assist us, please have all trimmings out by Sunday evening before the scheduled brush pick up week as the crew makes one pass of the Village a month. All trimmings 1/2 inch, and no larger than 6 inches in diameter, and at least 3 feet long should be placed neatly with all cut edges facing the same direction near the roads edge or behind the curb and Village crews will come by to chip these piles. Branches smaller than 1/2 inch in diameter, stumps, root balls with dirt or vines will not be picked up as this causes damage to the machine. Also, all loose yard waste should be bagged for collection for your refuse hauler. If you have any questions, please call 587-1880. To see what day we will be in your neighborhood for pick up click here.

Leaf Pickup

Every fall, the Service Department devotes many hours to picking up and hauling away the leaves that fall from Granville's beautiful trees. Two crews spend approximately eight weeks vacuuming up the leaves that residents rake to the tree lawns. (The tree lawn is the area adjacent to the roadway that is between the sidewalk and the edge of the curb or pavement.)  Leaf pick-up information.

Tree Maintenance

The Service Department provides maintenance for the trees that are located in the public rights-of-way. (Generally, the public right-of-way along a street runs from the back edge of the sidewalk on one side of the street to the back edge of the sidewalk on the opposite side of the street. A typical local street may have a pavement width of 26 to 36 feet, but the right-of-way for that street is typically 50 to 60 feet wide. Trees located within the right-of-way are maintained by the Village.) The program consists of trimming, pruning, shaping, cabling, and removing deadwood from the existing trees. When necessary, due to age, decay, or if unsafe conditions exist, the Village will remove such trees. Before a tree is removed, the Village will contact adjacent property owners to explain the reasons why the tree must be removed. If the property owners desire, they may have the wood. For more information, click here.

Additional Information

In addition to the foregoing, the Service Department also maintains traffic signals and picks up trash from the Village containers in the downtown and park areas. In addition, street signs are placed and maintained, and streets are swept once each week as weather permits. During the warm months, Service Department crews mow grass on the Village rights-of-way in the rural areas.

List of Village Streets


Here are links for the City of Columbus 2012 Construction Specifications, which the Village Construction and Material Standards utilize: