Granville Police Department 

William Caskey, Chief of Police

Shawn Wilson, Police Lieutenant

Nate Marietta, Police Lieutenant

Jon Dailey, Police Sergeant

Brian Costa, Police Sergeant

Tim Halbakken, Police Sergeant


If you have a home or business in the Village of Granville and wish for your property to be checked, please feel free to use the following links to print the appropriate forms and submit them to the Police Department to request a vacation check or to authorize a business check, or if you need officers for a special event:

The Village of Granville was founded in 1805 by pioneers from Massachusetts and Connecticut. The crest on the police department patch and police cruisers reflects this migration. 

In 1962, the Village Charter was adopted creating an official Police Department.  Prior to 1962, the Village was served by Village marshals.  The department provides complete police services (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) to the entire Village. The department is comprised of 10 full-time officers, 6 part-time officers, 6 reserve officers, 3 full-time dispatchers and 5 part-time dispatchers. To contact the department for a non-emergency issue please call 740.587.1234. Fax Number 740.587.3074

The Granville Police Department provides a number of community related programs to enhance services provided to the community. Some of those enhanced services include:

  • Bike patrols

  • Safety talks

  • Department tours

  • Vehicle lock outs

  • Safety city

  • Special duty officers

  • Vacation house checks

  • Business checks

Granville Mayor's Court

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